Radio schedule Thursday 20th August 2020

North By Northamptonshire
Series 2, Episode 6Norman may have stopped the parade, but the festival must go on. Meanwhile Helen has news for Jan and Frank, and love blossoms for a most unlikely couple.

Series 2, Episode 6 - MaxIn this final episode, Nathan has sacked Jenny and now has a brand new spiritual advisor, Max (Daniel Lawrence Taylor), who promises to get him straight up the reincarnation ladder and back up to human again. And sure enough, Nathan races from dung beetle to pig to penguin in no time. But it soon becomes clear that Max's methods are morally dubious, and Nathan must reunite with Jenny if he is to save himself. And the world!

Round The Horne
Series 4, Episode 15Crofter Kenneth Horne meets Bona Prince Charlie - and bona advertising with Julian and Sandy.

Life, Death And Sex With Mike And Sue
Series 1, Episode 4 - CultsMike highlights the plight of the homeless - to raise money for a new squash court.

The Infinite Monkey Cage
Series 22 - Lockdown Podcast, Episode 7 - Does Time Exist?Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by Mark Gatiss, Carlo Rovelli and Fay Dowker to ask timely questions about time, and whether it really exists.

Round The Horne
Series 4, Episode 15Crofter Kenneth Horne meets Bona Prince Charlie - and bona advertising with Julian and Sandy.

Life, Death And Sex With Mike And Sue
Series 1, Episode 4 - CultsMike highlights the plight of the homeless - to raise money for a new squash court.

North By Northamptonshire
Series 2, Episode 6Norman may have stopped the parade, but the festival must go on. Meanwhile Helen has news for Jan and Frank, and love blossoms for a most unlikely couple.

Series 2, Episode 6 - MaxIn this final episode, Nathan has sacked Jenny and now has a brand new spiritual advisor, Max (Daniel Lawrence Taylor), who promises to get him straight up the reincarnation ladder and back up to human again. And sure enough, Nathan races from dung beetle to pig to penguin in no time. But it soon becomes clear that Max's methods are morally dubious, and Nathan must reunite with Jenny if he is to save himself. And the world!

Between Ourselves With Marian Keyes
Series 1, Episode 1 - Ireland And The IrishThis week's theme is Ireland and the Irish. Alongside the craic, Marian reads Passport Out Of Here and Do You Know The Bus Stop In Kilkenny? from her collection Under The Duvet.

Round The Horne
Series 4, Episode 15Crofter Kenneth Horne meets Bona Prince Charlie - and bona advertising with Julian and Sandy.

Life, Death And Sex With Mike And Sue
Series 1, Episode 4 - CultsMike highlights the plight of the homeless - to raise money for a new squash court.

The Infinite Monkey Cage
Series 22 - Lockdown Podcast, Episode 7 - Does Time Exist?Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by Mark Gatiss, Carlo Rovelli and Fay Dowker to ask timely questions about time, and whether it really exists.

Series 2, Episode 6 - MaxIn this final episode, Nathan has sacked Jenny and now has a brand new spiritual advisor, Max (Daniel Lawrence Taylor), who promises to get him straight up the reincarnation ladder and back up to human again. And sure enough, Nathan races from dung beetle to pig to penguin in no time. But it soon becomes clear that Max's methods are morally dubious, and Nathan must reunite with Jenny if he is to save himself. And the world!

A Look Back At The Future
Episode 3, 2010: Brian Perkins, Kate Robbins and Jeremy Hardy recall 2010, a year of turbulent upheaval that was yet to be in a programme originally aired in 1994.

Jack & Millie
Series 1, Episode 3 - Deliver Us From eBayJack and Millie discover the 11th commandment. Thou shalt not try and please a son's scary ex-girlfriend. And what is really in the mysterious neighbour's packages?

Sir Ralph Stanza's Letter From Salford
Episode 2.6, Speeches: Sir Ralph hosts a literary lunch at the Munchbox Cafeteria - but there is another poet in town.

Can't Tell Nathan Caton Nothing
Series 1, Episode 6 - About Angry GrandmasThe family plan a surprise birthday party for Grandma. But the party is not the only surprise, when the police come looking for Nathan.

Delve Special
Series 3, Episode 2 - CowboysReporter David Lander investigates Britain's cowboy builders.

North By Northamptonshire
Series 2, Episode 6Norman may have stopped the parade, but the festival must go on. Meanwhile Helen has news for Jan and Frank, and love blossoms for a most unlikely couple.

Series 2, Episode 6 - MaxIn this final episode, Nathan has sacked Jenny and now has a brand new spiritual advisor, Max (Daniel Lawrence Taylor), who promises to get him straight up the reincarnation ladder and back up to human again. And sure enough, Nathan races from dung beetle to pig to penguin in no time. But it soon becomes clear that Max's methods are morally dubious, and Nathan must reunite with Jenny if he is to save himself. And the world!