British Comedy Guide


Radio schedule Monday 15th June 2020

Radio 4 10:45am
15 min
Hand holding a wine glass. Copyright: BBC

Why Mummy Drinks

Series 2: Why Mummy Swears, Episode 3 - Pressure

The pressure of balancing a full-time job, parenting and the PTA seems almost impossible to Ellen.

BBC Radio Wales. Copyright: BBC 6:30pm
30 min
Bravo Two Charlies. PC Dennis Babb (Martin Trenaman). Copyright: Giddy Goat Productions

Bravo Two Charlies

Series 2, Episode 6 - Road Race

This week a cycle race across the regions tests our uniformed heroes, there's an emergency run to the hospital and PC Howells goes back to school.

Radio 4 6:30pm
30 min
The Unbelievable Truth. David Mitchell. Copyright: BBC / Random Entertainment

The Unbelievable Truth

Series 24, Episode 1

David Mitchell returns with the comedy panel show in which those taking part bid to smuggle as many items of truth as possible past their opponents. The first in a series recorded during the Covid-19 lockdown sees Holly Walsh, Miles Jupp, Sara Pascoe and Frankie Boyle talking with deliberate inaccuracy on subjects as varied as musical instruments, recipes, pets, and women.

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