Radio schedule Friday 3rd April 2020

Bad Salsa
Series 1, Episode 4 - The Shorefest RedemptionThe series that follows three women as they embrace the world of salsa while adjusting to life after cancer concludes.

Reluctant Persuaders
Series 3, Episode 6 - Holidays Are ComingWelcome back to Hardacre's, the worst advertising agency in London.

The Men From The Ministry
Strictly for the Birds: The feather-brained civil servants get in a flap.

Flywheel, Shyster And Flywheel
Series 3, Episode 1 - The Haunted HouseShady lawyer Waldorf T Flywheel stays in a haunted mansion.

Funny You Should Ask
Series 6, Episode 9Ray Cooney, Leslie Phillips and Ben Travers provide the answers.

The Adventures Of John And Tony
Episode 2, The Quest for the Holy Spectacles: John discovers that Jesus wore glasses and wonders what happened to them.

Alfie Moore: It's A Fair Cop
Series 5, Episode 2 - BabysitterHow many times have you been filmed without your knowledge today? PC Alfie Moore takes us through a real life case of invasion of privacy and consent.

The Men From The Ministry
Strictly for the Birds: The feather-brained civil servants get in a flap.

Flywheel, Shyster And Flywheel
Series 3, Episode 1 - The Haunted HouseShady lawyer Waldorf T Flywheel stays in a haunted mansion.

Breaking The News
Series 15, Episode 7Taking a satirical swipe at Scotland's news with host Des Clarke are Mark Nelson, Marjolein Robertson, Billy Kirkwood and Amy Matthews.

Funny You Should Ask
Series 6, Episode 9Ray Cooney, Leslie Phillips and Ben Travers provide the answers.

The Adventures Of John And Tony
Episode 2, The Quest for the Holy Spectacles: John discovers that Jesus wore glasses and wonders what happened to them.

Bad Salsa
Series 1, Episode 4 - The Shorefest RedemptionThe series that follows three women as they embrace the world of salsa while adjusting to life after cancer concludes.

Reluctant Persuaders
Series 3, Episode 6 - Holidays Are ComingWelcome back to Hardacre's, the worst advertising agency in London.

The Now Show
Series 56, Episode 5More topical comedy from Punt and Dennis, with comedians Geoff Norcott and Robin Morgan plus music from Tim Sutton and Sooz Kempner. Additional voices from Luke Kempner and Gemma Arrowsmith.

The Men From The Ministry
Strictly for the Birds: The feather-brained civil servants get in a flap.

Flywheel, Shyster And Flywheel
Series 3, Episode 1 - The Haunted HouseShady lawyer Waldorf T Flywheel stays in a haunted mansion.

The Central FM Comedy Hour
Episode 10There is some cheating going on with The Kelpies, lifestyle guru Kelly make her own wax, and Kris and Dave look back at their archive.

Reluctant Persuaders
Series 3, Episode 6 - Holidays Are ComingWelcome back to Hardacre's, the worst advertising agency in London.

Paperback Hell
Episode 1, Disco Shoes: Spoof literary series featuring chapters from imaginary best-selling novels read by their equally illusory authors, beginning with Disco Shoes, by Mike Horner.

Little Britain
Episode 0 - PilotMatt Lucas and David Williams preview their forthcoming sketch show, which takes a look at life in Britain in the new millennium by following the lives of some less than ordinary folk. Meet Emily Howard - who's a lady, Marjory Dawes and her fat-fighters - and is Daffyd really the only gay in the village?

Funny You Should Ask
Series 6, Episode 9Ray Cooney, Leslie Phillips and Ben Travers provide the answers.

The Adventures Of John And Tony
Episode 2, The Quest for the Holy Spectacles: John discovers that Jesus wore glasses and wonders what happened to them.

Bad Salsa
Series 1, Episode 4 - The Shorefest RedemptionThe series that follows three women as they embrace the world of salsa while adjusting to life after cancer concludes.

Reluctant Persuaders
Series 3, Episode 6 - Holidays Are ComingWelcome back to Hardacre's, the worst advertising agency in London.