Radio schedule Friday 3rd April 2020

Alfie Moore: It's A Fair Cop
Series 5, Episode 2 - BabysitterHow many times have you been filmed without your knowledge today? PC Alfie Moore takes us through a real life case of invasion of privacy and consent.

Breaking The News
Series 15, Episode 7Taking a satirical swipe at Scotland's news with host Des Clarke are Mark Nelson, Marjolein Robertson, Billy Kirkwood and Amy Matthews.

The Now Show
Series 56, Episode 5More topical comedy from Punt and Dennis, with comedians Geoff Norcott and Robin Morgan plus music from Tim Sutton and Sooz Kempner. Additional voices from Luke Kempner and Gemma Arrowsmith.

The Central FM Comedy Hour
Episode 10There is some cheating going on with The Kelpies, lifestyle guru Kelly make her own wax, and Kris and Dave look back at their archive.