Radio schedule Tuesday 22nd October 2019

The Country Girls
The Lonely Girl, Episode 7Kate's father enlists the help of the Church to remove her from Eugene's house and Kate becomes scared that she will burn in hell for living in sin with a married man.

Clare In The Community
Series 12, Episode 5 - Ray Of SunshineThe Sparrowhawk office receive a visit from old team member Ray. He has gone up in the world and has a proposition for them. Brian is becoming suspicious about Clare's behaviour.

How To Burn A Million Quid
Episode 6 - Rule 6Finally, having landed on the Isle of Jura, Bill, Jimmy, Gimpo, and one chosen witness check into the Jura hotel carrying two suitcases containing a million quid. They must pass the night before committing the act for which they have come. Burning one million pounds. Can they really go through with it?