Radio schedule Tuesday 23rd January 2018
How Success Ruined Me
Christopher Green and Roy Hudd tell the story of Fred Barnes, a gay icon and outrageous music hall star who topped the national circuit in 1911, performing with a pet marmoset on his shoulder.
Simon Evans Goes To Market
Series 4, Episode 2 - Tax FreeAs soon as individuals and businesses achieve a certain critical mass they just sort of drift off to some mythical island whose co-ordinates are unknown to common folk, where they erect a giant tax-repellant rainbow over them to protect them from the tiresome responsibility of paying their way.
The Infinite Monkey Cage
Series 17, Episode 3 - AntibioticsBrian and Robin are joined by comedian Chris Addison, chief medical officer Dame Sally Davies and Professor Martha Clokie to look at the future for antibiotics.