Radio schedule Saturday 3rd December 2016

Breaking The News
Series 5, Episode 7Susan Calman is joined by comedians Rory Bremner, Stuart Mitchell, Elaine Malcolmson and columnist Clare Johnston for a satirical swipe at the week's big news.

The Now Show
Series 49, Episode 5Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis are joined by Nish Kumar, Dane Baptiste, Rachel Parris, Luke Kempner and Jess Ransom to look at Trump, Ed Balls, the current state of Brexit negotiations and UKIP's new leader.

It Sticks Out Half A Mile
Episode 5 - Pike In LoveLove-sick Pike cannot concentrate on renovating the pier, so Uncle Arthur is called in to lecture him on the birds and the bees.

The Leak
Series 5, Episode 3The comedy chat show travels to Mold, where Tom Price is joined by Ben Partridge and James Redmond to chew over the best stories of the week.

My Teenage Diary
Series 4, Episode 3 - Jackie KayJackie Kay revisits her politically active student years in the early '80s, when she went on every demo she possibly could.

Little Britain
Series 1, Episode 4Hypnotist Kenny Craig goes swimming and ex-Mafia man Joey the Stool visits the library.

The Mary Whitehouse Experience
The team sum up the experience of school and eating out.

Elis James' Pantheon Of Heroes
Series 1, Episode 4 - AdventurersMore historical heroism as Aneurin Bevan, Hywel Dda and the Rebecca Rioters are put to the Totaliser. With guest Clint Edwards.