Radio schedule Monday 18th April 2016
Fags, Mags And Bags
Series 6, Episode 1 - Chickpea LandslideRamesh's girlfriend has opened up Lenzie's first foodbank to help the local needy. However, the patrons appear to be quite pernickety about what's on offer and a debate opens up about who is actually eligible to use the foodbank which causes tension amongst the Lenzidens.
Natalie Haynes Stands Up For The Classics
Series 2, Episode 2 - OvidNatalie Haynes stands up in the name of Roman poet, Ovid. Expect frottage at the races, Greek myths from a female perspective, and enough inspiration for painters, writers and sculptures to last a couple of millennia. With special guests Llewelyn Morgan and Michael Squire.
The Unbelievable Truth
Series 16, Episode 3Elis James, Reginald D Hunter, Maeve Higgins and David O'Doherty talk with deliberate inaccuracy on subjects as varied as the 1970s, toys, the moon and electricity.
The News Quiz
Series 90, Episode 1Guests Jeremy Hardy, Susan Calman, Danny Finkelstein and Cariad Lloyd join Miles Jupp.