Radio schedule Wednesday 4th December 2013

HighLites: Split Ends, Episode 3HighLites hairdressing salon looks to be expanding its business. But Bev's plans to muscle in on the arrangements for Theresa and Nigel's wedding hit a considerable obstacle.

Hard To Tell
Series 2, Episode 4It's Ellen's birthday and, despite money troubles, Tom wants to make an unforgettable impression, while all of Ellen's friends are determined to keep her away from him.

What Does The K Stand For?
Series 1, Episode 2 - My Mum Is Shirley BasseyStephen traces his ability to spin a yarn back to an incident with his mum and the school fete.

Political Animals
Series 2, Episode 1 - BoBo (Chris Pavlo), the pet dog of US President Barack Obama, gives a dog-eared account in life in the White House.