Radio schedule Saturday 9th November 2013

Fighting Talk
Series 11, Episode 11Christian O'Connell is in the judges chair again. He's joined by England and London Wasps rugby player James Haskell, comedian Eddie Kadi, Canadian broadcaster Greg Brady and sports commentator John Rawling.

The News Quiz
A long-running satirical Radio 4 panel show that takes a look at the week's more humorous news stories.

Here Be Dragons
Series 1, Episode 2This episode may well include sugar obsession, convenient shopping and hippos.

The Goon Show
Episode 6.4, Napoleon's Piano: Neddie Seagoon is conned into pinching the keyboard played at the Battle of Waterloo.

Yes Minister
Series 1, Episode 1 - Open GovernmentNewly elected MP Jim Hacker is made the Minister for Administrative Affairs, a department lead by civil servant Sir Humphrey Appleby. Hacker attempts to do start the business of running the country straight away by being open about everything. Perhaps being a bit too open...

My Teenage Diary
Series 4, Episode 5 - Rhona CameronRhona Cameron recalls her teenage years, when she struggled to come to terms with her sexuality in a small Scottish town.

Jeremy Hardy Speaks To The Nation
Series 2, Episode 6 - How To Meet The Challenge Of The Twenty First CenturyJeremy Hardy presents a humorous lecture on the subject of future.

The Jason Byrne Show
Series 2, Episode 1 - AgeingJason Byrne returns to Radio 2 for a second series of his fast-paced, lively stand-up comedy and sketch show. This first episode concerns ageing. Why do married men live longer than single men? Why do old people take a long time to leave the house, and what injury led to Jason's wife making the ultimate sacrifice to romance for her 37 year old husband?

My Teenage Diary
Series 4, Episode 5 - Rhona CameronRhona Cameron recalls her teenage years, when she struggled to come to terms with her sexuality in a small Scottish town.