Radio schedule Monday 21st October 2013

Andrew Maxwell's Public Enemies
Episode 2 - InternetAndrew tackles the internet. Whether it's online pornography twisting our children's minds or GCHQ reading our emails, it seems only right to have a healthy distrust of the internet. But surely, to paraphrase a former Prime Minister, there's no such thing as the Internet - there are men, and women, and lolcats. What is it about the internet that makes people on it so scary?

Jennifer Saunders - Bonkers: My Life In Laughs
Episode 1The award-winning comedian reads her funny and touching memoir, from The Comic Strip to Absolutely Fabulous.

Lewis Macleod's Wired News
Episode 0 - PilotLewis Macleod hosts a mock drivetime news show satirising the rolling news agenda and the reporting of established stories such as benefit reform, immigration and Scottish independence.

The Museum Of Curiosity
Gallery 6, Episode 4 - Meeting Thirty-FourJoining John and Humphrey this week are comedian and podcaster Richard Herring, lizard locomotion expert Dr. Christofer Clemente and art historican Dr. Kristen Lippincott.

Warhorses Of Letters
Series 2, Episode 4It is the eve of Waterloo and our two heroes face the prospect of seeing each other face to face, if only it was not across a battlefield. And is Marengo's life at risk from another more immediate enemy?