Radio schedule Wednesday 28th August 2013

On Mardle Fen
Series 6, Episode 1 - Mardle End, Part 1In the sixth and final series of this comedy drama, set in the Cambridgeshire Fens, Warwick goes in search of a magical, golden paradise...somewhere on Mardle Fen.

My Teenage Diary
Series 5, Episode 2 - Vanessa FeltzVanessa Feltz relives her teenage years, growing up in North London in the late seventies.

James Acaster's Findings
Episode 0 - PilotStand-up comedian James Acaster presents the results of his in-depth research into the subject of bread, assisted by his trusty sidekick Nathaniel Metcalfe.
We'll find out why the French struggle to come up with a snappy slogan to advertise Brioche, learn why the Bagel is so trendy, and discover the hidden anti-bread propaganda pushed at children through the medium of fairytales.