Radio schedule Friday 10th February 2012

What's So Funny?
Series 3, Episode 6Ed Byrne and Lucy Porter take a look the world of comedy. This week they are joined by Ardal O'Hanlon and Mitch Benn.

The Comedy Café
Janice Forsyth taps into the funny business in Scotland and worldwide with all that's new in comedy on radio, TV, the movies, DVD, books, online and live performances.

The News Quiz
Series 76, Episode 7Sandi Toksvig is in the chair and Rory Morrison reads out cuttings as panellists Jeremy Hardy, Phill Jupitus, Rick Wakeman and Miles Jupp take a satirical look at the week's news.

Elis James' Pantheon Of Heroes
Series 1, Episode 5 - InventorsFacing judgement in this episode are Owain Glyndwr and William Robert Grove. Expect a glorious service station.