Radio schedule Wednesday 13th October 2010

The Secret World
Series 2, Episode 2Alan Bennett replies to every bit of junk mail personally and with great style; whilst Professor Richard Dawkins persues his career as a pop singer - auditioning for Lady Gaga.

Ayres On The Air
Series 1, Episode 4 - ChildrenAre all the tears and tantrums worth it? Pam Ayres thinks so, and dedicates her sketch show to children.

Ida Barr - Artificial Hip Hop
Episode 3 - DiversityMusic hall singer Ida Barr investigates the theme of 'diversity' blending together music-hall and hip-hop.

A Series Of Psychotic Episodes
Series 2, Episode 3Fleur and Apple take a gap year in Africa and Postman Pat discovers the truth about his life.