Radio schedule Thursday 13th May 2010

Series 1, Episode 3 - UnfamiliarWhen Mum comes to visit, Edna does her best to keep the secret of Undone. But with Faceless Bureacrats changing the map of London and the National Indecisiveness Society or Association at large, it's not easy.

Count Arthur Strong's Radio Show!
Series 4, Episode 5 - Charley AntArthur prepares to gatecrash an audition for Charley's Aunt. Unable to find his make-up bag, he enlists the help of his acting student protege Malcolm to help put the finishing touches to his costume.

The Goon Show
The Nasty Affair at the Burami Oasis: Admiral Seagoon is dispatched as bandits attack the British garrison. From October 1956.

The Music Teacher
Series 1, Episode 2Nigel tries to up the rate he charges his students. However, he finds his negotiating skills somewhat thwarted by a guitarist with no strings, a Cameo tribute act and possibly the world's most confusing busker.

My Teenage Diary
Series 1, Episode 2 - Russell KaneRufus Hound invites Russell Kane to revisit his formative years by dusting off his teenage diaries and reading them out in public for the very first time. Will he experience the warm glow of nostalgia or the hot flush of embarrassment?