British Comedy Guide


Radio schedule Thursday 22nd April 2010

Radio 4 6:30pm
30 min
Arthur Smith's Balham Bash. Arthur Smith. Copyright: BBC

Arthur Smith's Balham Bash

Series 2, Episode 2

Arthur Smith invites an audience into his home for music and comedy, with Miles Jupp, Tom Wrigglesworth, Elvis McGonagall and Paloma Faith.

Radio 7 7pm (repeat)
The Goon Show. Image shows from L to R: Spike Milligan, Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe. Copyright: BBC

The Goon Show

Tales of Old Dartmoor: Prison Governor Neddie Seagoon relocates his inmates to the south of France. From February 1956.

Radio 7 11pm (repeat)
Acropolis Now

Acropolis Now

Series 2, Episode 4 - Sons

As food runs out, a man called Testicles arrives at the Athens restaurant claiming to be the Oracle's long-lost son.

Radio 4 11pm
30 min
Scrooby Trevithick. Copyright: Open Mike Productions

Scrooby Trevithick

Series 2, Episode 6 - Performer

Scrooby tries to become a performer, having had a surprise internet hit with some dodgy karaoke.

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