British Comedy Guide


Radio schedule Wednesday 14th April 2010

Radio 4 11:30am (repeat)
House On Fire. Image shows from L to R: Matt South (Jody Latham), Vicky Johnson (Emma Pierson). Copyright: Pacificus Productions

House On Fire

Series 1, Episode 4 - Emergency

Paying bills seems such a bore and mainly irrelevant - until the phone gets cuts off, that is. Matt hasn't got any money but has to prove to Vicky that the land line has to be restored at all costs.

Radio 4 6:30pm
30 min
Mark Steel's In Town. Mark Steel. Copyright: BBC

Mark Steel's In Town

Series 2, Episode 2 - Wilmslow

Mark performs from the Green Room Theatre in Wilmslow, Cheshire where he gets to grips with footballers mansions, 3D eyelashes and the rhyming Wizard of Alderley Edge.

Radio 7 10pm (repeat)
The Alan Davies Show. Alan (Alan Davies). Copyright: BBC

The Alan Davies Show

Episode 6 - Shipping and Trucking

Alan goes on a date with an X-rated actress, while Peruvian Flu strikes at the Murray's newspaper offices.

Radio 4 11pm
30 min
The Now Show. Image shows from L to R: Hugh Dennis, Steve Punt. Copyright: BBC

The Now Show

The Vote Now Show 2010, Episode 3

Steve Punt sets a satirical jelly of the day's news, with help from Miles Jupp, Jon Holmes, Sarah Kendall, James Sherwood and special guest Michael Cockerell. Hitting the headlines today - the launch of the Liberal Democrat manifesto, a look ahead to the Leaders' Debates and why everyone's talking about apathy.

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