Radio schedule Thursday 19th November 2009

Alan And Jean's Incredible Journey
Poignant radio comedy drama by Ian Kershaw. Alan and Jean are on vacation, but this is no ordinary holiday. They are spending it in their bedroom.

Bleak Expectations
Series 3, Episode 4 - A Horrible Life Un-Ruined And Then Re-Ruined A LotPip, Harry, Pippa and Ripely are reduced to abject poverty on the banks of the Thames. Will Pip and Harry be able to find work, or will they have to end their days eating mud and listening to the gloating of Mr Benevolent?

The Goon Show
The Whistling Spy Enigma: Spy Neddie must make contact with his informer. But can he whistle the secret tune? From September 1954.

The Blagger's Guide
Blagger's Guide To Jazz, Episode 2The second episode of The Blaggers Guide To Jazz covers Louis Armstrong, the trumpet and the roots of jazz.

Alan Carr's Comedy Outings
Episode 2 - Carr-ly ValentineIn this week's fictional escapade, Alan is in the heart of the African jungle - sat on a 40-feet high throne carved in his own likeness.

Pick Ups
Series 2, Episode 6 - Heroes and VillainsIt's decision time - will Simon De Vere call time on Irwell Cars, and will Dave choose Milan over Lower Broughton Working Men's Club?