Radio schedule Friday 23rd October 2009

Inspector Steine
The Adventures Of Inspector Steine, Episode 5 - In Praise Of LoveInspector Steine is compering a beauty pageant on Brighton seafront. But when Brunswick's old flame Doris reappears as a contestant, Brunswick is thrown into emotional turmoil - which is probably why he doesn't notice that the south east's big-shot criminals are converging on Brighton.

Watson's Wind-Up
Series 14, Episode 3Topical comedy sketch series that takes an alternative look at the stories that have been making the news headlines.

Episode 5 - Mind The GapOneira ends up talking to herself, literally, and finds her other self very rude.

The News Quiz
Series 69, Episode 5Questions, Questions, Questions. Sandi Toksvig and team take a wry look at the News in the week that Nick Griffin appeared on Question Time, The Pope opened the doors for 400,000 Anglicans to join the Catholic Church, and Peter Mandelson came under fire for his role in mediating the dispute between management and unions at Royal Mail. Joining the panel this week are Steve Punt, Robin Ince, Francis Wheen and Jeremy Hardy.

Series 2, Episode 6 - War Of The WorldsIt is a fight to the death as Robin finally meets his doppelganger. When two universes collide, there can be only one winner.

And Another Thing...
Episode 10Part ten of the sixth book in The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy 'trilogy' in which we come to an end.