British Comedy Guide


Radio schedule Wednesday 26th August 2009

Radio 4 11:30am
30 min
Ayres On The Air. Pam Ayres. Copyright: BBC

Ayres On The Air

Series 3, Episode 2 - In The Doghouse

Poems this week include Toaster, about Pam's son's dog and its phobia and "I'm The Dog Who Didn't Win A Prize", written by Pam after she was asked to be a judge at a competition.

Radio 4 3:30pm
15 min
Comic Fringes. Copyright: BBC

Comic Fringes

Series 5, Episode 2 - The Hair Of The Dead

A moving short story about a compassionate undertaker's assistant. Sarah Millican reads her story about Kitty, who does the hair of the dead... Just the front.

Radio 4 6:30pm
30 min
The Odd Half Hour. Copyright: BBC

The Odd Half Hour

Series 2, Episode 4

The final episode of the series, recorded at the Edinburgh Festival. Sketches include a healthy builder, Super Nanny disapproving of Mary Poppins' skills, and an epic Karaoke battle.

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