Radio schedule Thursday 30th July 2009

Shappi Talk
Series 1, Episode 4 - Growing Up In The UKShappi discusses growing up in the UK with black comedian Ava Vidal and chats to author Ben Okri, who tells stories from his childhood with a very alternative father and discusses some childhood challenges. Plus a final song from comedian Hils Barker.

The Jason Byrne Show
Series 2, Episode 2 - FoodJason considers how Rice Krispies and caramel illustrate the different relationship that men and women have with food.

Does The Team Think...
Series 2, Episode 6In this week's show: Noddy Holder remembers some nightmarish flying experiences; Rhod Gilbert has some difficulties telling a story about his dad; Liza Tarbuck admits to feeding her builders some luxury food; Marcus Brigstocke reveals his thoughts on country life; and Vic Reeves asks if an octopus could help his love life.

Series 1, Episode 2This week's surfing topics include an article on The Line, the greatest TV series ever. Meanwhile Bigikids offers up some magic trick ideas, and there's a look back at Chinato's politically incorrect adverts of the past. Plus, a vote on whether an amature dramatics actress is famous enough to be listed; and lots of ducks.

Will Smith Presents: The Tao Of Bergerac
Episode 1 - JusticeWill wonders why asking for extra homework, middle earth role playing and going to the sixth form ball dressed as Gandalf made him 'uncool' at school.