Radio schedule Tuesday 17th February 2009

It Sticks Out Half A Mile
Episode 3 - Who Owned The Pier?Pike and Hodges research the history of Frambourne Pier, and a visit by the electrician brings worrying news.

Broken Arts
Episode 6David Quantick presents his look at the world of culture and the arts. David is joined by Daniel Maier, Richie Webb, Margaret Cabourn-Smith and Jane Lamacraft. Includes a "guest appearance" from Gilbert and Sullivan.

The Mark Steel Lecture
Series 2, Episode 4 - Che GuevaraMark presents the life of Che Guevara, possibly the greatest revolutionary in history, despite the fact he was a chronic asthmatic.

On The Hour
Series 2, Episode 1On the Hour returns for it second series. Barbara Wintergreen covers prenatal makeovers, the programme looks at the world of newspapers and Alan Partridge tackles sumo wrestling.