Radio schedule Friday 12th December 2008

Fags, Mags And Bags
Series 2, Episode 5 - Cousin WackoRamesh's nephew arrives from India, complete with impressive shopkeeping skills, much to Alok's disgust.

No Hard Feelings
Series 1, Episode 1Comedy drama about a nuclear family, who are just a button push away from mutually assured destruction!

The Now Show
Series 26, Episode 3Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis believe the children are the future, but everyone else wants them to get more exercise, steer clear of fast food and tobacco and be taught fewer subjects in school. Still, so long as Gordon Brown's already saved the world. Jon takes a look at what went wrong with the Large Hadron Collider, Laura inhales too much Helium, Marcus is worried about the climate and there are songs about cars, Coldplay and that Gordon Brown clanger from Mitch.