Radio 4 developing comedy panel show about religion

Radio 4 is developing a new comedy panel show looking at the topic of religion.
And God Laughs is described as a comedy format that will take "a humorous look at religion in its many and varied forms".
A pilot episode will be recorded in London in March, with Katy Brand as host. The comedian is well qualified to present the show, having read theology at Oxford University.
It is not currently clear whether the pilot is intended to be broadcast, or if it is an early run-through to allow producers to test the format.
The production team explain: "British Comedy Award-winner Katy Brand is the host and she welcomes four contrasting guests on to the show to demonstrate how much they know about the customs, beliefs, texts and cultures of world religions, big and small. And hopefully they will crack the big burning questions such as who has the smartest uniform and which religion really does guilt best?"
Asked by The Guardian last year what her views on religion are now, Brand replied: "I think religion is a fascinating study of the evolution of humanity. I think to dismiss religion is blinkered. It's how we cope with our self-consciousness and curiosity.
"But I can't go along with anybody who thinks their version of God is the only version of God. I thought that even when I was a slightly loony fundamentalist Christian. I don't have a specific faith now but I'm not anti-religion. I'm one of those awful people who says: 'I believe in spiritual things'."
And God Laughs will be recorded at The RADA Studios on Thursday 19th March. To apply to be in the audience see our free tickets page
It is believed this is the first time a British panel show has so directly tackled the subject of religion, however Radio 4 has a track record of broadcasting sitcoms with a religious theme.
Old Harry's Game, a sitcom set in hell, ran for seven series; meanwhile The Best Laid Plans - a new show in which Ardal O'Hanlon plays a disgraced angel sent down to Earth - has just finished broadcasting on Mondays and is available on iPlayer.