In And Out Of The Kitchen
- Radio sitcom
- BBC Radio 4
- 2011 - 2015
- 22 episodes (4 series)
Radio 4 sitcom about cookery writer Damien Trench, who lives in Queen's Park with his partner Anthony. Created by and starring Miles Jupp. Also features Justin Edwards, Brendan Dempsey, Philip Fox, Selina Cadell and Lesley Vickerage
Press clippings Page 2
In and Out of the Kitchen is irresistible. This is a sly comedy by and starring Miles Jupp. He plays a cookery writer who so closely resembles a real one, much read and seen, that it adds an extra frisson to every radio adventure yet makes it unlikely he will ever transfer to TV. The spoof recipes would deserve a health warning if they weren't so blissfully silly. Only one show to go. Don't fret. Radio 4 is soon to have even more repeats.
Gillian Reynolds, The Telegraph, 22nd November 2011Cookery writer and fusspot Damien Trench headed for Umbria and ended up on Bodmin Moor in the latest edition of Miles Jupp's comedy-with-recipes, In And Out Of The Kitchen - fast becoming my guilty pleasure.
Moira Petty, The Stage, 16th November 2011Thanks to having young children, I'm more familiar than I'd like to be with the early work of Miles Jupp, known to vast legions of minors as Archie the inventor in Balamory.
Since then he's been busy establishing himself as a regular radio presence, and on the evidence of In and Out of the Kitchen, life after CBeebies superstardom should hold no fears.
It purports to be the diary, written for publication, of a somewhat minor celebrity chef, Damien Trench. Radio 4 comedy generally leaves me deeply disappointed, but this was a delight, beautifully written, and unafraid to bite the hand that feeds it. "Washing up with Radio 4 this morning there was a terrific documentary about socks, their origins and their uses - quite a heavy topic in the wrong hands but delivered with a very light touch. Well done BBC!"
We follow Trench as he makes an awkward contribution to another radio doc, about French beans, while back at home he and his partner are seeing in the New Year by finally committing to each other. "We've been umming and ahhing about it for a while but we've decided: we're to go ahead with our extension ... Anthony is determined that we move our relationship on to the next level." I know I say this a lot, but you should hasten to the iPlayer.
Chris Maume, The Independent, 6th November 2011If Fanny Craddock is no longer available, to console us we have the daily ramblings of cookery writer Damien Trench. Written by and starring Miles Jupp, In And Out Of The Kitchen is a delicious comedy that goes from pokerface to hilarious as Damien - Mr Pooter meets the Galloping Gourmet - recounts his cuisine-centred diary.
Moira Petty, The Stage, 3rd November 2011Be warned, this isn't the real thing however much it sounds like many a TV show these days. Written and presented by Miles Jupp, it's a pretend diary of things cooked and eaten across a year by Jupp's imaginary writer, Damien Trench. It's supposed to be a diary of good food and good company, "however grisly or gristly". As it starts at New Year, the first recipe is for an explosive hangover cure, the first topic is New Year's resolutions. Damien's is to retain his professional integrity. Anthony, Damien's partner, wants to lose weight.
Gillian Reynolds, The Telegraph, 3rd November 2011