- Radio comedy drama
- BBC Radio 4
- 2009 - 2016
- 31 episodes (6 series)
Comedy drama following the world's worst hairdressers, Bev and her assistant, Shirley. Stars Lorraine Ashbourne, Rosie Cavaliero, Stephanie Racine and Sarah Thom.
All six series of the BBC radio comedy centred around a village hairdressing salon - plus pilot episode.
Based in the little town of Bridgeford, High-Lites salon boasts the most misanthropic hairdresser in Britain: sharp-tongued, mean-minded Bev. With the help of her soft-hearted (though slightly dim) assistant, Shirley, she tends to the tresses of a motley crew of local characters. As she cuts their hair, she finds out everything that's going on in their lives - and wastes no time in spreading some gossip of her own...
First released: Thursday 19th August 2021
- Distributor: BBC Digital Audio
- Minutes: 490
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