Big Broadcast
- Radio sitcom
- BBC Radio 4
- 2011 - 2020
- 7 episodes (3 series)
Musical comedy set in a 1932 Chicago radio studio. Stars Samantha Spiro, Chris Jarman, Ryan Early, Elizabeth Counsell, Ryan Whittle and more.
Big Broadcast
The fast-talking glamorous musical comedy drama set in a 1930s Chicago radio studio.
A radio caper set in Hollywood's Golden Age, Big Broadcast sees radio station WKAZ's most successful programme, The Hour Of Charm, face trouble from gangsters, sponsors, moral guardians and politics, not to mention Chicago's own winters.
When an acrimonious song-writing couple are facing threats from notorious gangster Brannigan, will a song save the day? Sometimes the hour can seem long when you're radio staff - so what happens when Chicago snow traps you in the building completely? A new manager plans to change the whole format of the show, but a deep-voiced celebrity could use his charm to stop the manager in his tracks. And when the station is threatened with closure by the League of Decency, Katharine Hepburn herself comes to the rescue with her inimitable style.
Starring Samantha Spiro, Josie Lawrence, and Susannah Fielding, this joyful, nostalgic musical comedy drama will transport you to a different time and place.
First released: Thursday 16th February 2023
- Distributor: BBC Digital Audio
- Minutes: 243
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