- Radio sitcom
- BBC Radio 4
- 1996
- 6 episodes (1 series)
Six-part series about a man trying to climb up the ranks of 18th century French nobility. Stars Henry Goodman, David Calder and Ronald Pickup.
Henry Goodman stars in this irreverent historical romp, set in 18th Century France.
When impoverished watchmaker Caron invents a pioneering device that could revolutionise timekeeping, his fortunes begin to change. Marrying a young, upper-class widow, he takes on a new noble name - de Beaumarchais - and sets out to conquer Louis XV's court.
But his attempts to rise through the ranks of Versailles society are blocked by royal clockmaker Lepaute - as well as courtly crushes, rumours of war and illicit printing. In a bid to offset his enormous debts, he takes on a tricky task for the king - but his patron's death presents further challenges, in the form of an unlikely dairymaid, a controversial play and political unrest. Will the storming of the Bastille put paid to his aristocratic ambitions?
Created by multi-award-winning playwright Craig Warner, this witty sitcom is based on the real-life story of Pierre-Agustin Caron de Beaumarchais - horologist, playwright, diplomat, arms dealer and spy. Henry Goodman plays our wily hero, and among the star cast are Bill Nighy, Ronald Pickup, Jason O'Mara, Siobhan Redmond and Joanna Monro.
First released: Thursday 7th April 2022
- Distributor: BBC Digital Audio
- Minutes: 174
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