A Short Gentleman
- Radio sitcom
- BBC Radio 4
- 2012
- 4 episodes (1 series)
Radio sitcom based on Jon Canter's book of the same name. Hugh Bonneville stars as a short lawyer with a disastrous personal life. Stars Hugh Bonneville, James Hayes, Nichola McAuliffe, Josef Lindsay, Ewan Bailey and more.
A Short Gentleman
When Robert Purcell, aged eight, read his father's entry in "Who's Who", he saw his own life unfolding before him. Like his father, he'd get a first in Law, then enjoy a distinguished career as a barrister and a judge. For a long time, everything went to plan. Then his life fell apart. He committed a crime. He went to prison. Now he's out, his wife has told him to write an account of who he is and why he is who he is. What drove him to his crime?
First published: Thursday 6th March 2008
- Publisher: Jonathan Cape
- Catalogue: 0224077740
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