1. In the world of British comedy, the trio of Magda, Fleur and Catriona are...
2. 21st Century sitcom The Cockfields is set in which part of the UK?
3. Radio sitcom Clare In The Community was based on a long-running cartoon strip from which national newspaper?
4. In the Hancock's Half Hour episode The Missing Page, what was the title of the book which was missing its final page?
5. Which of these statements about Monty Python's Big Red Book is true?
6. What was the occupation of Harry Enfield's 1980s character Loadsamoney?
7. Who took the lead roles in Ben Elton's 2000 film Maybe Baby?
8. In The Smell Of Reeves And Mortimer's regular sketch series Slade In Residence, what convenience food were the band particularly fond of?
9. US sitcom All In The Family was a remake of which British sitcom?
10. Which sitcom flatmates had friends during the run of the show which included Toni & Tony, Zahra & Ben, and Megan & Joe?