Feature topics
Browse our articles, videos and podcasts with timeless advice in them, by topic...
Lights, camera, action... a selection of articles that will be of interest to those who perform comedy.
Do you need an agent? What do agents do? This is the section looking at those things.
Books / novels
Looking to write a comedic novel? Here's some insight on the topic of writing fiction books.
Career development
Looking to move up the comedy career ladder? You'll find these articles helpful.
Children's comedy
Kids comedy is a huge market, with a number of opportunities for newer writers to gain credits.
Commissioning / pitching
If you want to see your comedy creation on TV or radio, you'll need to know about pitching and the commissioning process.
When you're an up-and-coming writer or performer, a good way of getting recognition is to enter competitions and win awards.
Courses / education
Insight in what it's like to take part in a comedy course.
Development / pilots
Many projects get stuck in development hell. Here's some articles to try and stop that being your situation too.
Comedy without words - often called silent comedy (although many have musical accompaniment) - is an interesting sub-genre.
Everyone knows what a director is... but not everyone knows how they operate. Here's some insight.
Edinburgh Fringe
The Edinburgh Festival is the place for live performers to showcase what they can do.
Entertainment formats
This section essentially concerns itself with working on non-narrative formats, e.g. panel shows and 'shiny floor' entertainment programmes.
Film (movies / shorts)
Feature movies are expensive to make... but they are the ultimate cretation goal for many. This section also covers short films.
Improvisation is a key comedy skills. Learn from some of the best in this section.
Jokes / gags
Jokes should be at the heart of most comedy projects. Don't forget to gag!
Live gigs
Insight from promoters on how to run a good live comedy night.
Looking to advertise what you do or what you've made? Here's some advice.
Mental health
Mental health issues are common in those who work in creative industries.
Money / funding
British people don't like talking about money... but if you want to make comedy your career, knowing how much you can earn is important. Plus: advice on how to raise funds for projects.
Notes / reviews / rejection
Comedy creators sadly must regularly deal with bad news, and process feedback. Here's some advice in that area.
The online comedy space grows every year. It's worth getting to grips with.
Planning / productivity
This section focuses on making the most of your time and making your projects a success.
10 years ago there weren't many podcasts, now everyone has one! Looking to join the club? Here's some advice for how to setup and grow a comedy podcast show.
A producer's job is to make sure a project is realised in the right way. We've spoken to various people in that role...
Radio is the biggest commissioner of comedy in the UK. You should be writing comedy with BBC Radio 4 in mind!
Script editing
Script editors can help polish a script. It's quite an art to get right though.
Writing sitcom is hard to master... there's lots to think about and learn! Hopefully these articles will help you hone your situations and characters.
Sketches are one of the fundimental building blocks of scripted comedy.
Stage / theatre
This is our section for articles about comedy performed in theatres.
Most live comedy is stand-up comedy. The biggest stars make millions. You'll need to start to build skills via the open mic circuit first though.
Teamwork / collaboration
Many comedy projects involve working with others.
Topical comedy
Jokes about what's going on in the world are the lifeblood of shows like Breaking The News. Writing topical gags is a skill worth honing.
Writers' rooms
Bigger comedy projects tend to involve writers' rooms. What are they and how do they work? Here's some insight...
Writing (general)
This is our section housing general advice about comedy writing.
My Comedy Career
An interview column, in which UK comedy professionals share insights and tips with BCG Pro readers.
The Comedy Doctor
Got a question about comedy writing, performing or production? The Comedy Doctor answers questions.
The House
An original audio sitcom by BCG Pro members.
The Secret Reviewer
A professional comedy pundit, writing undercover for BCG Pro, talks frankly about the industry.
Discussion and opinion about comedy and the industry.
Long reads
In-depth articles going deep into topics related to comedy creation.