Watch back the How To Write A Great Sketch webinar

In May 2022, BCG Pro facilitated a Zoom-based webinar on the topic of 'How To Write A Sketch'. Here's the video recording of that session:
Top sketch-writing experts Gemma Arrowsmith (Emergency Broadcast, Class Dismissed, Tracey Breaks The News) and Dave Cohen (Horrible Histories, 15 Minute Musical, Dead Ringers, Spitting Image) kindly gave up their time to talk about everything to do with comedy sketch writing, from first idea to final draft.
The discussion included looking at the structure of sketches, plus advice for those looking to enter BCG Pro's sketch competition and the new open-door BBC show DMs Are Open.
Here's the Screenwriting software and script examples and templates document Gemma mentions.
Gemma runs regular sketch comedy courses. The next starts on Monday 18th July. Info
There are just a couple of places left for Dave's next sketch masterclass, which starts Wednesday 22nd June. Info ... and if you'd like to find out more about writing for the next series of Breaking The News, email Dave at
This article is provided for free as part of BCG Pro.
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