How to plan your time and be productive

INT. Your flat - 9:45am
A desk with a notepad, typewriter, yesterday's coffee cup, an empty pack of Hobnobs and pinned on a noticeboard at eye level: a clear plan of what our hero aims to achieve today.
If we're writing a sitcom we don't just sit down and start banging out dialogue to see where it goes. We plan, we work on storylines, we get to truly know our characters and we plot individual scenes so the structure is in place and we know exactly where we want our story to go. And if you write for commercial TV, you also plan when your breaks are.
Working from home is the same.
(NOTE: If you don't actually write like that, then go and read Save The Cat! or do a course or something then come back to this article.)
We've probably all been given advice on working from home - don't work from bed, dress like you're going to work, lay off social media, etc. etc. Which is all fine but we're not accountants or lawyers, we are creatives, so our working environment is different, even when everything is normal.
So here are some tips on managing your time and consistently producing work from home: