Funny Women Awards Writing and Video shortlists 2020

The Funny Women Awards have announced the shortlists for their Writing and Comedy Shorts (video) awards for 2020.
Becky Singh, the Funny Women Awards director, says: "Thank you to all who entered and our amazing readers and judges - it's been particularly heartening to all of us in the team this year to see comedy talent shining brightly through the current darkness. Congratulations to our Comedy Shorts and Comedy Writing finalists - thanks for the much needed laughs, funny women!"
Comedy Writing Award 2020 Shortlist
The awards say: "This year saw the greatest number of entries ever received to the Comedy Writing Award with over 200 scripts! It hasn't been easy but after much discussion and heated debate we have managed to get our longlist down to this shortlist with an incredible range of styles, subjects and scenarios that we're excited to present to our final judging panel."
The finalists are...
Holly Dempster: The Happiest Place on Earth
Joanna Carolan: The Other Mother
Zara Janjua: Scottistani
Tess Carruthers: The Apothecary
Sara Butler: 0800 Babe
Katharine Armitage: Strapped
Stacey Evans: Big Time
Olivia Phipps: The Evening Session
Francesca Sewell: Stick it to Me
Kate Elmer: Mulch
The awards add: "These scripts will go on to our next stage where we will pick a top three and the winner will be decided by our head judge comedy writer and actor Vicki Pepperdine!"
Vicki Pepperdine says: "I feel greatly honoured to be asked to be head judge for the Funny Women comedy writing award this year. I'm so aware of how hard it is for anybody to get a show made at the best of times and I hope this competition might help set a few more brilliant writers haring down the tracks at what is for so many, the worst of times. I can't wait to read what all you amazing, talented, hardworking and resilient women have created with your deeds AND your words!"
Shorts Award 2020 Shortlist
The awards say: "We're absolutely delighted that each of the videos on the shortlist represent a variety of genres, styles and topics, and some feature material inspired by this year's coronavirus lockdown too."
Millicent Binks: Ladies, Have We Progressed? 1920's-2020's
Isabelle Farah and Jenny Rush: Breakfast
Rhiannon Hopkins: Naked Pictures
Marla Jane Lynch: How Many Twitter Followers Do You Have?
Eryn Tett: The Foxes F*ck on Wednesdays
Briony Puddepha: How to Ensure Personal Growth During Lockdown
Nikola McMurtrie: Karaoke: Behind the Lyrics
Sascha Lowdermilk: How Does the Coronavirus Affect Gap Year Students?
Lizzy Mansfield: An Inorganic Love Story
Megan Smith and Lily Howkins: Best Friends
Steph Leigh and Mo Bayliss: Pancake Jam
Kitty Paterson: Stranger Hings
Andi Osho, who is acting as head judge, comments: "Whether you're mid-career or just starting out, this competition is a great way to flex your comedy muscles and get your work seen by industry decision makers. I'm particularly passionate about film and storytelling so can't wait to see what all these fabulous, funny film makers come up with."
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