BCG Pro Sessions video: Lily Williams

This recording of the BCG Pro Sessions chat we had with agent Lily Williams is really packed with interesting and useful insight and advice.
Lily brilliantly answers so many questions across the hour, including explaining more about what an agent does (and doesn't) do, and how agents collaborate with writers and directors. Along the way the discussion also turns to topics such as obtaining jobs, and what you can expect to earn.
Quite a lot of the time though we we talk to Lily in-depth about that big question: how do you get an agent? There's top tips for how to approach agents and what to expect of the relationship should you be signed up. It's a video not to be missed!
Lily Williams has been an agent at Curtis Brown since 2005. She represents top writing and directing talent for theatre, film and television; her client list includes many of the UK's top comedy writers, including The Dawson Brothers, Katherine Parkinson, Georgia Pritchett, Kevin Cecil & Andy Riley, Tony Roche, David Schneider, Katy Wix, Keith Akushie and Andy Wolton.