Sitcom Page 9
3 tips to help you finish your first draft
- Wednesday 27th September 2023
Here are three key pieces of advice that will help you complete the first draft of your sitcom script.
Video: How to structure your 30 minute TV comedy script
- Sunday 17th September 2023
If you're writing 30 minute sitcom or comedy drama scripts, you'll want to get the structure right. Here's an hour-long video in which Chris Head uses clips and script excerpts to look at the three act structure often seen in TV comedy.
3 ways to make your first page pop
- Wednesday 13th September 2023
Getting the first page of your script right is crucial. Here are some tips.
Crafting Dreaming Whilst Black
- Friday 4th August 2023
Co-creator, writer, star and producer Adjani Salmon talks to BCG Pro about the making of his 2016 web series, Dreaming Whilst Black, and its journey through pilot to fully-fledged BBC Three comedy in 2023.
Audio comedy tips
- Monday 31st July 2023
We analyse some pointers issued by the BBC in relation to a new initiative trying to develop new radio comedies to transfer to mainstream TV hits.
Punching up a comedy script
- Sunday 18th June 2023
We look at the process of going through a script, livening up the dialogue, cutting and moving bits of action around, and generally improving and streamlining the episode.
Drafting a sitcom script
- Thursday 8th June 2023
As you work on your sitcom script, be it for television or radio, it will go through a number of drafts. We thought it might be helpful, therefore, to talk you through each stage of the drafting process.
The five stages of sitcom
- Thursday 18th May 2023
We thought it might be useful to run through, in brief, the barebones of the sitcom writing and production process.
More useful tips for making your sitcom script sparkle
- Wednesday 22nd March 2023
Here are five more tips to help you on your journey to the perfect sitcom script.
Useful tips for making your sitcom script sparkle
- Friday 17th March 2023
Story generation, structure and dialogue are amongst the topics we touch upon in this article about making sure your script is in the best possible shape.