Sitcom Page 13
How to Structure Sitcom Scenes
- Friday 15th October 2021
Chris Head uses some excerpts from US comedy Friends to highlight the set-up / reveal / escalation / payoff structure of sitcom scenes.
BCG Pro Sessions video: Kirstie Swain
- Wednesday 13th October 2021
Kirstie Swain joined us on Zoom to answer questions about comedy writing. The chat included advice on forging a career as a writer, the highs and lows of TV development, and more. You can watch the 58 minute recording here.
If you build it, they will read it
- Tuesday 27th July 2021
Dave Cohen reports back on what's he's learnt from running a course designed to help you speed from nought to first draft in eight weeks flat.
Things to do before you start writing a sitcom
- Friday 23rd July 2021
Simon Nicholls, the creator of Falmouth University's flexible online Master's course in Comedy Writing, discusses what you should do in the early stages of a comic idea; before you type your first word.
BCG Pro Sessions video: Martin Trenaman
- Thursday 15th July 2021
The recording of the BCG Pro Sessions Q&A with actor and writer Martin Trenaman. Amongst other things, he talks about his experiences of appearing in shows such as The Inbetweeners, offers sitcom writing insight, and discusses scripting material for panel shows.
Balancing characters in a show
- Tuesday 29th June 2021
No matter what kind of show you're writing, making sure that you have the right characters is crucial.
How to go from an episode idea to structuring scenes
- Wednesday 5th May 2021
We've all been there. You have an idea for a sitcom that you absolutely love... You maybe even have an idea for an episode, but when you sit down to write it, you have no idea how to fit it all together. We discuss how to easily structure an episode.
Introducing SREP: set-up, reveal, escalation, payoff
- Friday 30th April 2021
In this exclusive extract from Chris Head's new book, he introduces SREP: a structure that can be used in writing sketches, sitcom scenes and stand-up.
Free excerpts from Creating Comedy Narratives For Stage & Screen by Chris Head
- Friday 30th April 2021
Here - for FREE - are the first 17 pages of Chris Head's new book Creating Comedy Narratives for Stage and Screen.
How to write great characters who work with the plot
- Thursday 29th April 2021
Jack Bernhardt discusses how to ensure that your plots and characters are working together... so there's never a scenario where you character ends up doing something they absolutely would never do.