Script editing Page 2
How to analyse your script
- Wednesday 11th October 2023
Here we look at the elements you need to consider when analysing a script you've written for a new project.
Punching up a comedy script
- Sunday 18th June 2023
We look at the process of going through a script, livening up the dialogue, cutting and moving bits of action around, and generally improving and streamlining the episode.
Useful tips for making your sitcom script sparkle
- Friday 17th March 2023
Story generation, structure and dialogue are amongst the topics we touch upon in this article about making sure your script is in the best possible shape.
Script editors: the three types
- Wednesday 18th January 2023
'Script Editor' can be quite a nebulous job title, and individual script editors can vary considerably in both their approach and the range of their input and responsibilities.
Pacing your comedy script
- Tuesday 18th October 2022
The pace of your script can feel like a difficult element to control, but there are some things you can do to control the pacing.
Script editing yourself
- Wednesday 28th September 2022
Particularly at the start of your career, it is likely that you are going to need to be your own script editor. Here are some tips for script editing yourself successfully.
Dealing with script notes
- Thursday 10th March 2022
All writers, be they a fresh-faced young school-leaver with nothing but a pirate copy of Final Draft and a dream, or an established show-runner leading a 10-strong writing team, will have to respond to notes...
Fine-tuning a gag and why it matters
- Sunday 28th November 2021
Fine-tuning a joke is important because it can mean the difference between its success or failure, whether it "lands" and makes people laugh or not. It is also the difference between being a lazy hack and a real craftsperson of comedy. Here's some thoughts and tips on the topic...
Cutting Down Sketches
- Sunday 28th February 2021
In this article we focus on one of the biggest mistakes new sketch-writers make: writing sketches that are too long. Here's some handy tips for how to make your sketches leaner on the page.
Writing for Newsjack: Tips from two script editors
- Monday 17th February 2020
Newsjack script editors Ed Amsden and Tom Coles give some tips for 'how to get your stuff on the show, whilst bearing no responsibility if you don't get your stuff on the show'.