Planning / productivity Page 5
Comedy writing: Keeping going
- Friday 20th May 2022
Writing professionally is as much a test of endurance as it is of skill. Here are some things to bear in mind when it gets difficult, and you need some help and encouragement.
- Wednesday 18th May 2022
Goals goals goals. All writers need something to aim for, but self-motivation in particular can be a strain. Here we look at setting and achieving goals in the creation of comedy.
Finishing a script
- Thursday 31st March 2022
Finishing a script can be far more challenging than starting one. Finishing your work might feel like an almighty task, but it is also essential... and it can be done.
Combatting writer's block
- Thursday 17th March 2022
All but the most heightened, rarest of creative geniuses will experience writer's block - or at least admit to it. But how to get past that empty page, glaring, mockingly back at you? That is the real mark of a writer in control.
Dealing with deadlines
- Thursday 3rd March 2022
Deadlines. For every writer, they can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. Whatever the case, they're an essential part of the comedy writing job, so here's some advice from us on how to deal with deadlines.
Where do you get your comedy ideas from?
- Wednesday 16th February 2022
If you've decided that you want to be a comedy writer, or if you're already some way down the road to becoming one, you're going to need loads of ideas. But where can you get them from, and what do you need to do once you've thought one up?
Inspiration is a red herring. You need commitment and discipline
- Tuesday 10th August 2021
Inspiration is often talked about as if it's the main problem facing comedy creatives. Inspiration is a red herring; what you need are commitment and discipline...
How to be prolific
- Tuesday 3rd August 2021
Here are some nuts-and-bolts tips on how to be prolific (productive)... tips you can use even if, actually, you're a lazy person.
Things to do before you start writing a sitcom
- Friday 23rd July 2021
Simon Nicholls, the creator of Falmouth University's flexible online Master's course in Comedy Writing, discusses what you should do in the early stages of a comic idea; before you type your first word.
How to write a stand out treatment
- Thursday 13th May 2021
Treatments for comedy shows can be deceptively difficult to write. We take a look at the common structure of these documents, and offer some advice on how to write a slick pitch.