The House: How it'll work

With an exciting number of Pro members keen to be involved in The House, we have been finalising our plans to ensure that it's both an entertaining and useful experience.
Designed to reflect industry practices as closely as possible, this is what you can expect in the coming months as The House gets properly underway.
The pilot is being written and produced by Tim Dawson and Micheál Jacob and will be recorded on location in Manchester in April, with the finished programme released in early May.
We initially considered posting the script and inviting ideas and lines, but in any production it's vital to hear the actors, hear their voices and know how to tune the dialogue.
Traditionally, writers work to the pilot programme. They listen to or watch it, and absorb its style, tone and characters.
So that is exactly what we'll do with The House. The script and other materials will also be made available.
Then, for Episode 2, it's over to you!
We will be looking first for story ideas, which Tim and Micheál will turn into a scene breakdown and share with members.
Then we'll ask you to write those scenes, which will be turned into a script.
Then we will ask for additional material contributions to that script - essentially jokes and lines.
This will become Episode 2, with everybody making a successful contribution appropriately credited.
BCG editors Mark Boosey and Aaron Brown say: "We are delighted to be taking BCG Pro into bold and exciting new territory with our first fully-realised, professional audio sitcom project.
"We know how difficult it is, particularly for newer comedy creatives, to get material made at the moment - and we are keen to smash through that wall. This represents an entirely new departure for our platform and we are looking forward to seeing where it takes us.
"We also hope this demonstrates our commitment to ploughing membership fees into tangible and exciting opportunities for BCG Pro's talented members, wherever and whoever they may be."
BCG Pro is thrilled to offer this bespoke opportunity, and hope you will enjoy taking part.
If you haven't already, register your interest in the project now
This article is provided for free as part of BCG Pro.
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