Happy New Year!
![2025 2025](https://cdn.comedy.co.uk/images/library/misc/900x450/g/generic_2025.jpg)
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are recharged, ready for the year ahead.
Certainly, we have lots of big plans for the coming months, including a new, exclusive scriptwriting opportunity, which we're gearing up to announce; the writing and recording of our very own participatory audio sitcom, The House - you can register your interest in the project here; and the launch of our Big Comedy Conference 2025.
So there should be plenty for members to look forward to, and get involved in.
In the meantime, perhaps you're looking to make a New Year's resolution.
Yes, giving up biscuits or booze is probably a good idea, but you could also pick something that will directly benefit your comedy career.
There are certainly plenty of commitments you could make that are almost guaranteed to improve your trajectory.
Never actually written a 30 minute script? Well, make it your business to do so.
Got a script that needs finishing? Why not finish it off this January?
Short film in the pipeline? Well, why not aim to get it shot this year?
If you've always wanted to try stand-up comedy - commit yourself to some open mic nights now. We have plenty of resources to help you work up a set, and more on the way.
If you want to become (or already are) a professional director or producer - then direct or produce something. It could be a play, a film, it doesn't matter. Doing is much more important than dreaming (or grumbling).
Indeed, the best bit of advice we can give you is to try and do something to further your comedy career every day.
This could be writing some gags or working on a sitcom idea. But it could also involve finding some producers to get in touch with, or entering a competition. Something, every day, to move you forward.
We wish you all a happy, healthy and successful 2025.
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