British Comedy Guide

Kelly Griffiths: Getting "The Tits" out

Kelly Griffiths

You may not know me but I'm Kelly Griffiths - Midlands-based actor, writer, Pro member and creator of The Tits Comedy.

I created this platform in February 2025 because in the 15 years of my career, I've never felt so invisible as a Midlands creative. Which is no small feat considering I'm 6ft tall and pretty gobby.

So, I've decided to take things into my own hands to try and bridge the gap between emerging working class/underrepresented creatives and leading industry professionals by hosting comedy and networking evenings across the Midlands.

"Why did you call it The Tits?" I hear you (mum) ask.

Well, for the obvious reason I'm excited to shout "We are The Tits" at the beginning of every event.

But, also for a deeper, slightly more sophisticated reason - tits are wonderful!

They can fabulous, weird, wonky, sexy, big, bold, beautiful, out-there and ultimately - funny! And the female identifying creatives who are coming on this journey with me are no different.

The Tits Comedy logo
The Tits Comedy logo

After being financially shunted further and further up north after loosely surviving 7 years in the big smoke, I'm back near my old council estate in Whitchurch, Shropshire.

The nearest professional theatre is 22 miles away and job opportunities are SPARCE. While self-tapes are a great option for auditions, particularly if you are in financially challenging times, there is nothing like an in-person audition or meeting with collaborators face to face and not over bloody... I digress.

So, bringing The Tits events to towns and cities across the Midlands and inviting as many industry members as possible to connect, network and enjoy some fabulous female funny bones is the main goal.

I've chosen The Birmingham Blackbox Theatre in the Jewellery quarter for my first event on the 5th April after really connecting with the power house who runs it, Carlette.

She has single handedly turned a listed building into a beautiful, welcoming, achingly cool venue and was instantly hooked on what I was trying to achieve with this platform.

If I haven't gone completely bankrupt after this first venture - unleashing The Tits, so to speak - I will be working hard to make this a monthly occurrence across the Midlands with the ultimate goal of creating The Tits festival annually and an "I am The Tits" comedy award which will be proudly displayed on mantel pieces everywhere from Lichfield to Lincoln.

I am absolutely buzzing for what the next year holds, as I heave the spotlight onto these woefully neglected regional parts of the country and the funny AF women in it.

Register for The Tits comedy and networking evening on 5th April at The Birmingham Black Box Theatre via Eventbrite

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