DMs Are Open - But closing fast

Good old BBC! While we're all shuffling out of the bleary-eyed stupor that is the final week of 2023, slowly cranking ourselves up to prepare for whatever the new year might bring, BBC Studios have rushed out news of Series 3 of DMs Are Open - the only in-house radio show specifically aimed at developing new comedy writing.
And if you want to write for the show you'd better hurry because the deadlines are hurtling towards us. If you don't get anything in by 24th January you'll be too late.
The main headlines are:
- the show is moving from Radio 4 Extra to Radio 4
- there's going to be a new host (yet to be announced)
- one-liners are gone, and will be replaced by "notifications"
- the show length is decreasing to 15 minutes and
- your first deadline is Wednesday
Last night producers Gwyn Rhys Davies and Caroline Barlow hosted a live webinar, which I understand will not be available to watch later, so here's a brief summary of the main points.
"We read absolutely everything that comes in. There's no bias, it doesn't end up in the ether, it gets read.
"We're sticking with the broad themes for sketches. When you're approaching themes think outside the box. It's the stuff that takes us by surprise that catches our eye.
"Because the show is shorter we're looking for shorter, punchier sketches. Each submission has two themes which will run across two episodes. You can submit one sketch per theme. We recommend a maximum two minutes' length. (About 2.5 pages) Aim to write shorter - quickies that last 30 seconds, longer to be around a minute and a half.
"The show will be performed live in front of an audience, so lots of big laughs required. It'll be transmitted in the 11pm slot so you don't have to worry too much about language or 'adult themes'. (If you want to get a sense of the tone of 11pm shows listen to some of the ones currently being broadcast e.g. We Forced A Bot To Write This Show (BBC Sounds link) and Nora Meadows' Week of Wellness (BBC Sounds)
"You can submit sketches, voicenotes and notifications. Full details of submissions are on the BBC website
"Voicenotes - These are short audio clips recorded by you on your phone. Little gag ideas based on the themes of the shows. Listen to Series 2 on BBC Sounds to get an idea of how these work.
"Notifications - this is the new element. It's a more fun way of coming up with one-liners. The host checks their phone during the show to see what notifications have piled up. Food delivery apps, gym, software, surreal stuff, scams. The cast will perform them in character. We've put some examples of ideas on the website. Maximum length 20 seconds.
"Themes and deadlines can be found on the website. Commissions are open now for the first two episodes, and the themes are brand new and surprise. Interpret these as widely as you can. Think of them as a jumping off point. The deadline for these is Wednesday 10 January at noon."
Gareth and Caroline listed a number of more general tips and answered a number of questions. A lot of these sound obvious and simple but you'd be amazed at how often people sometimes think these rules don't apply to them.
- Listen to the show.
- Familiarise yourself with the tone of the show.
- Listen to the sketches from Series 2 on BBC Sounds.
- Don't send in songs or sitcoms.
- Don't send more contributions than you're asked for. This is important stuff. Simple but often forgotten.
- Make sure you send things in in good time for the deadline. Allow time for laptop glitches etc.
- There will be a cast of five - two men, two women and the host. Have no more than five characters in a sketch.
- Generally best to stay away from the over-used formats - job interviews, adverts, weddings etc.
- Keep going. Submitting for every episode is your aim.
- They get hundreds of sketches so unable to give individual feedback. You'll be informed if your work made it into the script but not to the finished broadcast.
- News references - don't feel you have to avoid them, but don't make sketches based on topical stories from that week.
The series will be recorded over two nights around the end of January and broadcast from Wednesday 28th February.
Happy writing!
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