Second City improv courses
- Friday 20th May 2016
Barry Ferns writes about the benefits he got from taking an improv course with the renowned improvisation school Second City.
Wise words from the Ask The Industry podcast
- Friday 13th May 2016
Ask The Industry podcast host Simon Caine shares some of the wise words he's heard from his 50+ interviewees.
David Nobbs Memorial Trust speech
- Thursday 21st April 2016
A speech by TV producer Lucy Lumsden which pays tribute to writer David Nobbs, discusses the health of British comedy, and shares some advice about working in comedy.
Danny Stack interview
- Thursday 31st March 2016
Writer Danny Stack gives us a complete guide to attempting to make in as a scriptwriter; from starting out to a detailed look at the entire process of making a film.
Room To Write producer and director interview
- Friday 15th May 2015
Laura Marks, the producer and director behind the BBC's Room To Write video monologues, shares some insight and advice here.
An article on 'making it' in comedy
- Monday 11th May 2015
Stand-up comedian and live comedy promoter Barry Ferns writes on the topic of what it means to 'make it' in comedy. Think carefully about your end goals...
What is a joke? - Part 2
- Wednesday 19th November 2014
Having tried to explain what a joke is, Dave Cohen prepares Big Comedy Conference delegates with an attempt to explain EVERY type of joke.
What is a joke?
- Saturday 15th November 2014
An article in which Dave Cohen looks at the structure of a joke, and explains how it fits into the classic three act story structure first defined by Aristotle.
Stand-up newcomers report back from their charity gig
- Wednesday 12th November 2014
Nine of the brave souls who performed stand-up for the first time as part of the Changing Faces charity gig report back on their experience. Will they get back on stage again?
Blog from a BAFTA Rocliffe winner
- Monday 3rd November 2014
Daniel Brierley, one of the winners of the BAFTA Rocliffe writing competition, blogs about having his work showcased at the New York Television Festival.