The Secret Reviewer #4: The Context Conundrum
- Monday 1st July 2019
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: how shows can infect each other.
Has ITV banned male sitcom writing partnerships?
- Friday 28th June 2019
Saskia Schuster talks in depth to BCG Pro about her plans for addressing the gender imbalance in ITV comedy writing teams. This article corrects some of the 'click-bait headlines' you may have read.
The Road to the WareFringe, Part 2
- Friday 28th June 2019
Ages, gaps and getting noticed: all the fun of starting a fest.
easyHotel offers free rooms to comedians
- Tuesday 25th June 2019
easyHotel is offering up free overnight stays to stand-up comedians who are travelling between gigs.
Paid sitcom writing contest
- Monday 24th June 2019
Independent comedy producers Turtle Canyon Comedy are looking for BCG Pro members to write on a new web sitcom.
Sky announces new production arm
- Monday 17th June 2019
Sky has announced the creation of its own production arm, Sky Studios, focusing on drama and comedy.
Making a writing partnership work
- Friday 14th June 2019
Writers Ed Amsden and Tom Coles take us through the pros and cons of writing as a duo, and explain how to make a writing partnership work.
The Road to The WareFringe
- Tuesday 11th June 2019
Si Hawkins discovers that launching a little comedy festival - The WareFringe - involves a lot more decision-making than he'd bargained for.
Hot Water comedy club launches online subscription channel
- Saturday 8th June 2019
Liverpool's Hot Water comedy club is expanding its online presence by launching Hot Water Originals, an online subscription channel delivering 1 hour comedy specials.
The Secret Reviewer #3: Star Wars
- Saturday 1st June 2019
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: the issues around star ratings.