The Secret Reviewer #13: Sympathy for the Devil
- Wednesday 1st April 2020
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: critics can't expect much compassion in a crisis.
How to plan your time and be productive
- Tuesday 31st March 2020
With so many possible distractions around the house, how do you be productive? Here's some tips on managing your time and consistently producing work.
Adapting to the world of the writer-performer
- Saturday 28th March 2020
Sitcoms are being dominated by the phenomenon known as the 'writer-performer'. BCG Pro takes a look at the options you have to try and adapt to this trend.
Improv courses move online
- Friday 27th March 2020
Steve Roe from the Hoopla improv collective talks about how, with coronavirus keeping everyone at home, they are taking their workshops online via the Zoom video calling app.
Robert Popper interview
- Friday 27th March 2020
Friday Night Dinner creator Robert Popper talks about the intricacies of writing and producing the long-running sitcom. He has some great tips for new writers too.
Writing topical comedy in an ever-changing news landscape
- Wednesday 25th March 2020
It's pretty hard to keep up with the pace of the news at the moment, but here's some tips for how to write good topical comedy in an ever-changing news landscape.
Tips for building an audience during coronavirus
- Wednesday 18th March 2020
Comedian Dave Bibby offers a list of ways comedy performers can survive whilst the country is in lockdown due to coronavirus.
Union JACK Radio want to broadcast stand-up sets
- Wednesday 18th March 2020
Union JACK Radio is looking for comedians to send in stand-up material for them to broadcast as part of a new comedy radio show - #StandUpToCorona.
What I learned about stand-up from starting to do stand-up
- Thursday 5th March 2020
The Mash Report writer Adam Baird talks through what he learnt about performing stand-up comedy when he decided to jump in and give it a try.
The Secret Reviewer #12: Out of Sight
- Sunday 1st March 2020
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: reviewers should remain off-radar.