My Comedy Career: Joel Stern
- Tuesday 15th September 2020
Actor and writer Joel Stern established himself in the comedy industry via a series of hit viral online comedy sketches. Here he talks about the ups and downs of financing web series, and keeping activities aligned and focused.
My Comedy Career: Lukie Nixon
- Thursday 10th September 2020
Lukie Nixon, co-director of podcast company Snipper Nixon, juggles his time between producing audio shows and performing stand-up comedy. He discusses late night edits, the importance of being nice to production runners, and more.
Funny Women Stage Awards 2020 finalists revealed
- Friday 4th September 2020
Izzy Askwith, Naomi Cooper, Katie Green, Ania Magliano, Mary O'Connell, Fiona Ridgewell, Christina O'Sullivan and Eryn Tett are through to the final of the Funny Women Stage Awards 2020.
Philip L Moore on overcoming adversity to make a pilot
- Wednesday 2nd September 2020
As he explains in this interview, Philip L Moore has overcome several hurdles to film and release a pilot of his comedy show about a group of bungling but lovable criminals.
The Secret Reviewer #18: Tickling the Pros
- Tuesday 1st September 2020
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: The best laughs are harder to get.
My Comedy Career: Kate Smurthwaite
- Friday 28th August 2020
Writer and performer Kate Smurthwaite talks about working in a career where there's no time to put your feet up... you have to keep looking around for the next thing.
My Comedy Career: Steve Doherty
- Tuesday 25th August 2020
Steve Doherty is one of the most experienced comedy producers working in radio. In this interview we hear about his career highlights and lowlights, getting some great tips and insight along the way.
Notes from the first Short Com Sitcom Writing Competition
- Friday 21st August 2020
Following on from their recent writing competition, Short Com director Chris Aitken runs through some of the common habits new sitcom writers portray, and gives suggestions for how people can potentially improve their scripts.
The Long Game: How one novel decision can boost a script's potential
- Thursday 20th August 2020
Adam Kay had a great insider tip for getting scripts noticed, but it involves a big rewrite.
Turning the situation into a comedy
- Friday 7th August 2020
Bennett Arron discusses how, in lockdown, he has been helping comedy writers via his online sitcom writing workshops.