UKTV and Comedy 50:50 announce opportunity for female writers
- Monday 15th February 2021
Comedy 50:50 and UKTV have launched an initiative to generate at least one new sitcom series for either Gold or Dave.
BCG Pro Sessions video: Bill Dare
- Sunday 14th February 2021
Top writer and producer Bill Dare joined us for our first ever BCG Pro Sessions interview. If you missed it, you can catch up via this recording.
What we've learnt so far, as we release 1000 sketches in 1000 days
- Friday 12th February 2021
Comedy group The Albion Basement talk to us about how they're releasing 1000 sketches as podcasts, across 1000 days. They've already learnt some interesting planning and editing lessons, which they share here.
Comedy Writing: How Do I Get An Agent?
- Thursday 11th February 2021
We look at the pros and cons of having representation, and - when you're ready - how to get an agent.
The Comedian's Toolkit: What it takes to stay ahead of the game
- Wednesday 10th February 2021
There are various aspects that you're expected to be on top of when you're a comedian - from marketing to funding. What part of the puzzle are you missing? We have a look at some essentials.
Angela Barnes and Tom Deacon on working on the radio
- Friday 5th February 2021
In this 50 minute video, stand-up comedians and presenters Angela Barnes and Tom Deacon discuss writing for radio, and presenting via the medium. They have loads of great insight and tips.
How do you make a sitcom in a pandemic?
- Thursday 4th February 2021
How do you make a sitcom in a pandemic when you, the star, are shielding? That was the immense challenge facing Lost Voice Guy, aka Lee Ridley, and producer Jane Berthoud in regards to Series 3 of Radio 4's Ability.
How the London Comedy Writers group made their sitcom podcast
- Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Alan Devey talks us through how the London Comedy Writers podcast, The Bureau Of Lost Things, was produced.
NOLO Film Festival winners revealed
- Tuesday 2nd February 2021
The winners of the first North London Comedy Shorts Film Festival have been revealed.
Making an award-winning short
- Tuesday 2nd February 2021
More than eight years after principal photography began Toby Williams's short film She Monster has won Best Short at a film festival. In this article he explains all.