How to go from an episode idea to structuring scenes
- Wednesday 5th May 2021
We've all been there. You have an idea for a sitcom that you absolutely love... You maybe even have an idea for an episode, but when you sit down to write it, you have no idea how to fit it all together. We discuss how to easily structure an episode.
The Secret Reviewer #26: We didn't say that
- Saturday 1st May 2021
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: Sometimes anger is aimed at the wrong target.
Introducing SREP: set-up, reveal, escalation, payoff
- Friday 30th April 2021
In this exclusive extract from Chris Head's new book, he introduces SREP: a structure that can be used in writing sketches, sitcom scenes and stand-up.
Free excerpts from Creating Comedy Narratives For Stage & Screen by Chris Head
- Friday 30th April 2021
Here - for FREE - are the first 17 pages of Chris Head's new book Creating Comedy Narratives for Stage and Screen.
How to write great characters who work with the plot
- Thursday 29th April 2021
Jack Bernhardt discusses how to ensure that your plots and characters are working together... so there's never a scenario where you character ends up doing something they absolutely would never do.
My Comedy Career: Sebastian Thiel
- Tuesday 27th April 2021
Sebastian Thiel has just finished directing the TV sitcom pilot Dreaming Whilst Black. We caught up with him to find out how he has built up his career. He has some great tips around focusing on yourself.
BCG Pro Sessions video: Robert Popper
- Sunday 25th April 2021
An hour-long video with top comedy writer, script editor, producer and performer Robert Popper. He chats about creating Friday Night Dinner, his writing process, and many other topics.
10 ways to overcome Writer's Block
- Friday 23rd April 2021
In this article we discuss ten ways that comedy writers can deal with writer's block. From questioning your characters to the 45 minute rule, this advice should help you fill that script page.
Giving and receiving notes
- Wednesday 21st April 2021
Feedback and suggestions appear at every step of the writing, producing or pitching processes. In this article we talk about the best ways to both give and receive notes.
Free Festival director pessimistic for a meaningful Edinburgh Fringe
- Saturday 17th April 2021
Alex Petty - director of the Edinburgh Fringe's popular Free Festival, which offers venue space to hundreds of comedy shows - says the Scottish government's strict covid safety measures means almost all of its 38 rooms will likely remain closed this August.