Make online comedy (and go viral)
- Wednesday 18th August 2021
Have you got into making and sharing online comedy yet? Ahead of his Zoom sketch comedy course, Chris Head writes about the kind of comedy you can make, how to find the funny, and offers up tips on how to go viral.
Tune-Up, No. 4: Ian Smith on getting gigs, and green room etiquette
- Thursday 12th August 2021
Ian Smith loves crosswords - there's a podcast - but not cross words. So he's the ideal man to ask about green room dos and don'ts, and how to get gigs in the first place.
Inspiration is a red herring. You need commitment and discipline
- Tuesday 10th August 2021
Inspiration is often talked about as if it's the main problem facing comedy creatives. Inspiration is a red herring; what you need are commitment and discipline...
How to be prolific
- Tuesday 3rd August 2021
Here are some nuts-and-bolts tips on how to be prolific (productive)... tips you can use even if, actually, you're a lazy person.
The Secret Reviewer #29: Naming Rights
- Sunday 1st August 2021
Every month our clandestine critic reveals the murky truths behind that infamous trade, and live comedy generally. This month: Is a small name-change a big deal?
If you build it, they will read it
- Tuesday 27th July 2021
Dave Cohen reports back on what's he's learnt from running a course designed to help you speed from nought to first draft in eight weeks flat.
Things to do before you start writing a sitcom
- Friday 23rd July 2021
Simon Nicholls, the creator of Falmouth University's flexible online Master's course in Comedy Writing, discusses what you should do in the early stages of a comic idea; before you type your first word.
My Comedy Career: Nat Saunders
- Wednesday 21st July 2021
Comedy creator Nat Saunders talks about the importance of tenacity, how every new show is a struggle to get off the ground, why bullying in the industry is a real hot topic for him, and more.
BCG Pro Sessions video: Martin Trenaman
- Thursday 15th July 2021
The recording of the BCG Pro Sessions Q&A with actor and writer Martin Trenaman. Amongst other things, he talks about his experiences of appearing in shows such as The Inbetweeners, offers sitcom writing insight, and discusses scripting material for panel shows.
Marketing yourself as a comedian: the long game
- Friday 9th July 2021
Marketing in live comedy is a long game for comedians. One flyering campaign or one big poster does not make a career. Sometimes, it doesn't even make a gig...